Frequently Asked Questions on ACCURACY label
Frequently Asked Questions on ACCURACY label
1. What is the ACCURACY Label?
The ACCURACY Label is affixed onto a prominent part of the weighing or measuring instrument as proof to consumers and traders that the instrument had been verified as fit for trade use at the point of verification. However, it does not guarantee that the instrument will remain accurate thereafter.
2. What is the difference between the verification seal and the ACCURACY Label?
The verification seal comes in the form of a plastic or tamper-proof paper adhesive seal. The seal is generally affixed on the base/side or internal parts of the weighing or measuring instrument. A broken seal will indicate that the instrument could have been tampered with.
The ACCURACY Label, on the other hand, is affixed on a prominent part of the weighing or measuring instrument to indicate that the instrument has been verified fit and accurate for trade use.
3. What does ’00 verified’ stands for on the ACCURACY Label?
The 2-digit number ‘00’ on the ACCURACY Label means that the instrument has been verified by the Weights and Measures Office. If the verifier code reflects other 2-digit numbers (e.g. ‘01’, ‘02’), it means that the instrument has been verified by an Authorised Verifier designated by the Weights and Measures Office.
4. Does this mean that weighing and measuring instruments which bear such ACCURACY Labels are accurate?
The ACCURACY Label only shows that the weighing or measuring instrument is verified as accurate at the time of verification. It is not a guarantee that the instrument will remain accurate after verification has been carried out.
5. The ACCURACY Label on my weighing instrument has come off. Do I need to replace the ACCURACY Label?
Please immediately send your instrument to any designated Authorised Verifier should the ACCURACY Label come off from your weighing or measuring instrument.
Other than through fair wear and tear, it is an offence if the ACCURACY Label is found to be forged, counterfeited, altered or defaced.
6. Is it necessary to have the ACCURACY Label affixed on my weighing and measuring instruments?
All weighing or measuring instruments for trade use are required to be verified before use and affixed with the ACCURACY Label. It is an offence not to have the ACCURACY Label affixed on your weighing or measuring instruments. Any person found to be using a weighing or measuring instrument for trade use which is not affixed with an ACCURACY Label will be liable to a fine not exceeding $2,000.
7. After selling the verified instruments with the ACCURACY Label on it, my customers after some time, have requested the instruments to be affixed with an up-to-date ACCURACY Label. In this case, what should I do?
The ACCURACY Label is to be affixed by an AV on the instrument after its verification. Every ACCURACY Label affixed to a weighing or measuring instrument is valid for a period of 12 months immediately following the month which it is affixed. Should the ACCURACY Label on the weighing or measuring instrument lapse, you are requested to submit the weighing or measuring instrument to a relevant Authorised Verifier.
8. I have a new weighing or measuring instrument that was verified fit for trade use and affixed with the ACCURACY Label. If I plan to sell it in a few months or a year later, do I need to have the weighing or measuring instrument re-verified and affixed with the latest ACCURACY Label?
The ‘brand new’ verified instrument which has been affixed with the ACCURACY Label can still be used for trade. Do note that the ACCURACY Label is valid for 12 months immediately following the month which is affixed. Should the ACCURACY Label lapse, please submit the instrument to an Authorised Verifier for re-verification to renew the ACCURACY Label.
9. What is the QR code label and what is its purpose?
Effective 30 November 2021, weighing and measuring instruments used for trade will be affixed with a QR code label bearing a unique 7-digit identification number for purpose of instrument registration in the CPSA+ system prior to verification by Authorised Verifiers (AVs). The QR code label is to be affixed on the instrument by an AV.
The QR code label serves different purpose for different stakeholders.
For consumers, scanning the QR code of the instrument or searching for its 7-digit unique identification number in CPSA+ public registry allows them to access information about the instrument such as validity of its ACCURACY Label, date of last verification, as well as the business entity the instrument has been registered to in CPSA+.
Scanning the QR code would also allow consumers to report on the instrument to the WMO. For example, if the instrument is found to have an expired ACCURACY Label, it is not reading zero even without any load placed on it.
For instrument owners, the QR code facilitates instrument registration by the AV. After login to CPSA+, instrument owners can update information about the instrument, such as the operating location of the instrument. For more information on how to login to CPSA+ and access information about your registered instruments, click here and refer to the CPSA+ Guidebook for Weighing and Measuring Instrument Owners.
For AVs, scanning the QR code after login to CPSA+ allows AV to perform various tasks including submission of verification test result for the instrument. For more information on how to login and access the various functions of CPSA+, click here and refer to the CPSA+ Guidebook for Authorised Verifiers.
10. Why is there a need to register the weighing or measuring instrument in CPSA+?
Registration of the weighing or measuring instrument in CPSA+ by an AV is required prior to submission of its verification test results.
The information from instrument registration will the help the WMO better track instruments used for trade purposes, ensuring better traceability and accountability of instrument owners.
Notifications on the instrument’s status will also be sent to instrument owners as well as AVs. You may refer to Chapter 4.2 of the Weights and Measures Information Booklet on the various type of notifications you can expect from CPSA+.